Standards and Certification Schemes
ECCP is developing and standardising norms and certification schemes with a focus on regulatory compliance. Here are some examples of standards and certification schemes:
- Europrivacy, the officially recognised European Data Protection Seal for certifying compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Europrivacy Extensions to assess and certify compliance with various EU and national regulations, such as the ePrivacy Directive, Data Act, Data Governance Act, UK GDPR, etc.
- Interprivacy, the international and geographically neutral version of Europrivacy for certifying compliance with major personal data protection regulations accross the world.
- AIA Cert, for certifying compliance with the European AI Act, the OECD principles on AI and the Convention of the Council of Europe on AI.
- Certification Schemes Assessment Methodology (CSAM), to assess and compare the reliability of data protection schemes.
- Trust Scale Levels (TSL) to assess and compare the level of reliability and trust in effective compliance of data third parties.