Standards and Certification Schemes

ECCP is developing and standardising norms and certification schemes with a focus on regulatory compliance. Here are some examples of standards and certification schemes:

  • Europrivacy, the officially recognised European Data Protection Seal for certifying compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Europrivacy Extensions to assess and certify compliance with various EU and national regulations, such as the ePrivacy Directive, Data Act, Data Governance Act, UK GDPR, etc.
  • Interprivacy, the international and geographically neutral version of Europrivacy for certifying compliance with major personal data protection regulations accross the world. 
  • AIA Cert, for certifying compliance with the European AI Act, the OECD principles on AI and the Convention of the Council of Europe on AI.
  • Certification Schemes Assessment Methodology (CSAM), to assess and compare the reliability of data protection schemes.
  • Trust Scale Levels (TSL) to assess and compare the level of reliability and trust in effective compliance of data third parties.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions